miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

My time in the university

It started really boring.

Now its very hard, but i like that a lot !

I hope that there will always be a challenge. That's what makes me happy.

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

English language challenges

I’ll start by saying that English has been a really important language in my life, mainly because of the way that information is presented nowadays. Things like movies, television, internet articles and even printed propaganda had made my brain to understand English as if was native to Chile. With that been said, I’ve also noticed how easy is to forget some aspects of the language when you don’t use it as a way to express yourself. You become insecure about your knowledge, the pronunciation starts to become more difficult, and thinking in English is way less instinctive.

Because of this problems I’ve figured that my main English challenge will be to keep using it in places like the university or at home. I’m especially interested in learning how different concepts or elements used in architecture are expressed in English. I’m also kind of worried that the English classes provided by the university don’t even touch architecture, or the other careers, so it feels kind of shallow or useless as a direct tool for the students.
I think that the best way to learn English is by talking to native speakers. That’s why I’m planning to attend many seminars where I can listen to people talking about architecture. This will not only improve my knowledge in new words, but also for learning how to articulate phrases using very elemental and specific concepts.

 As a review of the course I’d say that it was very useful for feeling secure with my knowledge again, but I would have loved to learn how to use English in my field. But anyway liked, faved, 11/10 and god bless.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

boyyyyy the university is messed up !

I'll start by saying that the faculty is great! There’s always something going on and it’s located in the center of downtown where every building is either really old or really new and interesting. With that in mind, the place is total chaos. The reason for this is that the administration of the faculty hasn't been properly updated to the current state of the place, and the changes that have been done, don’t work with old administration. There are a lot of problems, but I think the administration one is the base for the majority of them. I’m not really sure which procedure needs to be taken, but the first step should pint towards acknowledging every subject and class in the curriculum and making sure that the old and new one are integrated. 

The other part that need’s a change it’s the attitude of a lot of students towards the career. Architecture works by researching, experimenting and making projects. Even if the workshop teachers aren’t the best (and I’m aware there are some pretty bad ones), the student has the professional duty to develop a self-taught education, by proposing and experimenting. The lack of this way of thinking is shown by the low quantity of research projects that the students have developed during the past years (I think there were 28 in 2016, which is really low compared to UC with 84). The roll of the university should be towards potentiating this behavior, by making spaces that supply developing tools (like material research and development, multimedia, open workshops etc.…) instead teaching class rooms without the infrastructure to work while learning.

Resultado de imagen para le corbusier
this dude didn't even go to the university.

In conclusion I’d say that yes, there are a lot of problems on the faculty, but the addition of better infrastructure and teachers won’t make us better professionals. We have to be curious and purposing under any circumstance, because in the end, we do this for the passion that we have for architecture.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

Summer Holiday

I'll have to admit. I dont usually plan my vacations in advance, not because im spontaneous or something like that. The thing is that due to the university's protest and lockdowns no one can be really sure when and how long the holiday period is going to be. But aside from that ill give it a try.

So, for my holiday i would really like to travel with my friends to the north and go camping. The reason is that I love the landscape of the northen regions. The rocks, cliffs and color variation due to chemical reactions between the minerals in the soil and the weather makes the place really magical.

Resultado de imagen para norte chile

About a year ago me, a couple of friends and my girlfriend made a trip to "El Morado" national park as part of a workshop project. We stayed two days up there and did a lot of cool stuff like exploring, talking about posible proyects that could be done there and even tried to use rocks and other stuff to (kind of) build something. When we came back from that trip we realized how fun and interesting was to go and analyse these (in architectual terms) unexplored places.

As far as an especific place im not really sure. The first thing that comes to my mind is the "dinasour spine" in arica or the moon valley, but these places would be the start. from there we could explore places that people recomend us or something like that (so if you know laces like that please let me know :D). Aside from that the rest of the trip should be spontaneous. So, the food and that kind of things arent really important or predictible. I guess that I would preffer sea food but if it has to be canned food im okay as well.

I'm really loking foward for this trip and I hope that yours is good as well.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Postgraduate studies

I would love to specialize in urbanism after I graduate for two main reasons. First of all, The knowledge you get from the bachelor is to broad, which is good for work but not very interesting in the research and investigation field. The second reason is that I'm particulary interested in the dynamics of the urban patterns and how this could be applied to uninhabited places.

Resultado de imagen para urbanismoI think that is essential for an architect to travel and know different types of architecture, So studying abroad is the perfect chance to do that. I would like to study in Japan, preferably in tokyo, because the city has a very interesting stand in what defines the urban plans and how the city deals with it's inmmense population density. This topic are the most important matters in architecture nowadays because the human expantion is reaching its limits.

I can't really say which class method I preffer because I've never taken the time to research them (yikes !). I guess that it would have to be something where field research is the main aspect of the study.

So, thats what i want to do. I think that I still have to do a lot of research but I'm pretty certain that it's my favorite field.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

My future job (hopefully)

The idea is to do this in my 30's or 40's when I have my own conception about what architecture is and how it develop's in the no man's land. For now i'm learning the basics about the human relationship with its habitat. and deepen on human relationship among themselfs when they start to transform the habitat according to what exactly matters to them.

Maybe I should write about being an architect because that's why I'm here anyways. But my dream job has always being an Oceanographer/architect, and I plan on doing it if everything goes ok.

Resultado de imagen para jacques cousteau
So basically my plan is gather enough money to buy a small cargo ship and go on adventure, while filming everything and producing movies (Jacques Cousteau style). Buying a ship isnt the cheapest thing in the world so ill have to admit its kind of a long shot, but nothing would make me happier.

Resultado de imagen para sea towers

The idea isn't to study this and work in something completly unrelated though. I want to mix architecture and oceanography in a kind of theory about where and how does one live when you are constantly moving and how does the movement itself changes with the experience.

The plan is to sustain myself
with expositions and film making, but it's obvious that I have to plan this with a lot more care.

I know it sound confusing and unrealistic but I hope its because it's an early idea and that it will become plausible in the future.

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

Movie recommendation

La Grande Bellezza

What makes a movie good? Is it the plot, the characters or maybe both?

Well for me the best movies are the ones that leave you thinking about something and that immerse you in the contex more than the plot. This movie isn't just the best because of those factors, rather than it focuses in those factors instead of the story or things like that.

So this is an italian movie made by Paolo Sorrentino. The guy makes drama for the most part and this one has it too, but it's not the main thing.
the movie is compossed in a series of events more than a continuous event. With this I mean that these events are connected but the order isnt really important. This events focused in showing what´s true beauty in a world where everyone tries reach but end up spoiling it in every attempt.

Resultado de imagen para la grande bellezza wallpaper

The plot (yes it has one and its very good so dont worry) is about the life of Gep Gambardella, an old journalist and philanthropist that every one loves and admires because of his past as a writer. The thing is that he isn't happy with this, in fact his kind of tired of this. The guy is dealing with an identity crisis, lost in the superflous roman atmosphere he starts to realize that everyone and everything is fake, but also that in between the fake there are tiny spark of true beauty and authentecity.

The movie has a fnatastic soundtrack and the scenery is mind blowing (its rome after all) so i thing it goes hand to hand with the "architectual" taste.

Resultado de imagen para la grande bellezza wallpaper

I really hope you like it as much as me.