miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

English language challenges

I’ll start by saying that English has been a really important language in my life, mainly because of the way that information is presented nowadays. Things like movies, television, internet articles and even printed propaganda had made my brain to understand English as if was native to Chile. With that been said, I’ve also noticed how easy is to forget some aspects of the language when you don’t use it as a way to express yourself. You become insecure about your knowledge, the pronunciation starts to become more difficult, and thinking in English is way less instinctive.

Because of this problems I’ve figured that my main English challenge will be to keep using it in places like the university or at home. I’m especially interested in learning how different concepts or elements used in architecture are expressed in English. I’m also kind of worried that the English classes provided by the university don’t even touch architecture, or the other careers, so it feels kind of shallow or useless as a direct tool for the students.
I think that the best way to learn English is by talking to native speakers. That’s why I’m planning to attend many seminars where I can listen to people talking about architecture. This will not only improve my knowledge in new words, but also for learning how to articulate phrases using very elemental and specific concepts.

 As a review of the course I’d say that it was very useful for feeling secure with my knowledge again, but I would have loved to learn how to use English in my field. But anyway liked, faved, 11/10 and god bless.

4 comentarios:

  1. I can't imagine how could be architecture concepts be translate... they are alredy pretty confuse in espanish

  2. I think that is interesting the theme of learning english with a focus on the architecture, also reading articles or book related to this we could improve a lot on our academic english dialect

  3. We should have more than four english courses in the whole career, maybe the firsts can be general english and then more specific, related to architecture, because is a great tool.

  4. You speak really as an English native, I was surprise of your knowledge at the beginning, so just keep improving!
